About Trauma
When we experience a traumatic event, it's very likely that it leaves us with some trauma. Sometimes this leads to diagnoses of certain disorders like PTSD, cPTSD and other various disorders and sometimes it doesn't. Even if it does not lead to a disorder, it can still leave various affects on us. Some of these effects may not show up for long periods of time, and some may be notable right away.
When it comes to what defines a traumatic event, it can be anything so long as it causes harm whether that harm be physical, emotional, psychological, or spiritual which causes the individual to feel anxious, threatened, or scared. This can be any number of things including: abuse (emotional, physical, sexual, financial, etc), death of a loved ones, natural disasters, war, serious illness and many other things.
It is not uncommon for survivors of trauma to think that what happened to them "wasn't that bad". This is what is referred to as "trauma imposter syndrome." I wrote a blog post about it if you click here.
There are multiple types of trauma as well.
Acute Trauma: Results from a single event.
Chronic Trauma: Results from repeated and/or prolonged exposure to traumatic events. (E.G: Child abuse, domestic violence, bullying, war.)
Complex Trauma: Results from exposure to multiple trauma events.
Vicarious Trauma: Also known as secondary trauma.
This may occur in individuals who have close contact to someone with trauma.
Especially common in therapists and first responders.
Information about types of trauma taken from here.
More Information about Trauma
Check out our Podcast about the types of trauma and other trauma info: here